The UK Festival & Championship 2014

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uk festival championship 2014
29 May
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uk festival championship 2014

June will bring some exiting news to the London tango scene.  

The UK Championship will be runing the 6th, 7th and 8th of June 2014 

Click on read more to see the full program...






​JUNE 6th The UK Festival & Championship starts

- Doors Open at 6pm. @ The CONWAY HALL. Competing couple’s registration.
- 7:30pm Doors open to the general public.
- 8pm Championship starts.
- 9:30pm Performance by Fabian Salas and Lola Dias.
- 10pm – 2am. Social Dancing (Milonga). DJ: VICTOR ARIEL YURYEVIC


JUNE 7th Festival & Semi-final
- : (Capacity = 600 for dancing)
- Workshops will take place during the afternoon at a location TBC
- 8:00pm Doors open to the general public for social dancing (Milonga)
- 9:30pm Semi final (40 minutes) & performance by Fernando Carrasco and Jimena Hoeffner.
- Milonga continues until 2am. DJ: Marcelo ROJAS


​JUNE 8th Festival and The Final
- Workshops will take place during the afternoon at a location TBC
- Doors open at 6:30pm. for the last Milonga of the festival @
- 6:30pm General public welcome.
- 8pm Championship final
- The Milonga will continue until 11pm. DJ: NAOKO KOIKE



The Salon Tango and Stage Tango categories of the competition will consist of three stages:

1) The Qualifying Round: All registered couples must participate. Couples will dance first and second qualifying rounds on one or two separate days - First Qualifying round will be held on Friday 06 June and the Second Qualifying round will be held on the same day or on Saturday 07 June (Salon Tango: There will be three tangos per round / Stage Tango: There will be one tango per round).

2) The Semi-Finals: Couples who have been selected in the Qualifying round will dance one round in the Semi-finals on Saturday June 7 (Salon Tango: three tangos per round / Stage Tango: one tango per round).

3) The Finals: Couples selected in the Semi-final round will dance one round in the Finals on Sunday June 8 (Salon Tango: three pieces of music x 1 round / Stage Tango: 1 piece of music x 1 round).


The first place winning couple, one for each category, will be awarded trophies and special prizes; the second places will be awarded trophies and honorable mentions. All contestants will receive participation certificates. See COMPETITION PRIZES for full details.

More info at:

Read 3993 times Last modified on Thursday, 29 May 2014 09:27


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