Documentary Part 1: What Is The Tango
Various Tango instructors from Rosario, Argentina have an interesting time trying to answer the simplest question of them all: What is the tango?
Documentary Part 2: A Brief History Of The Tango
Various Tango instructors from Rosario, Argentina impart their interpretations of the origins of the Argentine Tango, including exploring cultural impacts (both domestic and international), as well as linking it all the way back to it's grandfather dance, the African Candombe.
Documentary Part 3: First Tango Experiences
Various Tango instructors from Rosario, Argentina fondly recollect their first experiences with the Argentine Tango, exposing the fact that we all had to start somewhere- and that we all are on the same Tango journey together.
Documentary Part 4: The Tanguero
Various Tango instructors from Rosario, Argentina help us understand what it is to be a Tango dancer (Tanguero) - discussing musicality, dance vocabulary, and the distinction between a Tanguero and a Milonguero.
Documentary Part 5: The Tango Embrace
Various Tango instructors from Rosario, Argentina share their thoughts on the embrace of the Argentine Tango. This is a great illustration of the complexity that exists in the embrace and in the Tango as a whole.